
Scents and perfumes are a particular business. Our courses are designed for the curious ones amongst us. To know more, to learn more and become familiar with the world of perfumes and the complexity within.

At Saigon Elixir we have created various courses to attend. From general to more specialized. Our courses are not made to promote our own perfumes and scents, but instead it is an informative set, where various aspects will come across. History, tradition and distillation techniques used for the production are part of the course contents.

Beside that, you have the opportunity to experience various raw materials, natural materials as well as artificial components during the courses. All the course structures are similar, with theoretical and operational or executional sessions. Additional information, videos and handouts are included, though it can differ for each different course.

The Inspiring Perfume Course

A perfectly balanced and informative approach to discover more about perfumes and scents and the well-kept secrets behind. them. From understanding how to smell, learning to identify ingredients till a time travel through history to find the origin of the components. This course is interactive and provides all aspects to gather knowledge which you can use in daily life. This course is suitable for beginners, semi-professionals as well as celebrative occasions.

There is much to learn about the historical facts, methods and purposes in perfumes history. During this course we will dive deeper and provide useful knowledge to understand more about the current perfume and scent industry. Precious and raw materials are available in this course to really see, touch and feel and smell these ingredients. Of course, after discovering single scents and perfumes it is time to mix and match your own.


Course contains:

  • Historical facts
  • A guidance through scent families and notes
  • Discovery of various raw ingredients
  • Perfume Mixing & Matching and bottling techniques
  • Practical information about how to apply scents
  • Handout materials and additional tools are provided
  • A break in between – access to variety of coffee, juices, wines and more


This course is perfect for curious individuals, friends or couples to attend together. It is also suitable for celebrative occasions and groups. The course is a perfect meet and greet  opportunity with likeminded and drinks are served at our mini bar afterwards to complete the event.

Email us for your convenience >

Musk, Musk & Musk, all you need to know

There is so much to know about musk. There is white musk, black musk, but what are the differences between them? How about natural musk and artificial musk and what is musk precisely? Musk scents do have a recognizable and typical nose and how does one know the differences between white musk and black musk? The history of musk is just as exciting, and this class will provide you with a thorough deeper understanding of musk.

Musk is, in our opinion, one of the most outspoken opinionated scents. In this deep dive practice, much more will be discovered around musk. That includes historical facts where the origin of musk will be explained. Musk in it most raw form is a true natural product coming from different origins which will be revealed. The developments within the perfume and scent industry have created beautiful artificial components and one will learn the differences in qualities.


Course contains:

  • Historical facts
  • A guidance through musk types
  • Discovery of musk raw ingredients
  • Musk blends and its misperceptions
  • Handout materials and additional tools are provided
  • A break in between – access to variety of coffee, juices, wines and more


This course is a real deep-dive practice for the curious ones and is suitable for individuals as well as friends or couples. It is suitable for educative purposes to gain deeper knowledge. The course is perfect for perfume specialists, perfume shop owners and professionals in the perfume and scent industry.

After the course there is a great opportunity to discuss amongst a cup of coffee, glass of wines that are served at our mini bar café.

Agar, Gaharu & Oud, what is it all about

Perhaps it is the most notable and complicated material to make scent or perfume from. The meaning of the words Agar, Gaharu and Oud all go in the same direction, it relates to wood. The Agarwood is a wood bark and used in various ways for its well-known and typical aroma. The original and cultivated types of agarwood are complex and contain lots to be learned. This is a real deep dive session for the most curious ones amongst us.

Oud popularity has grown a lot the last several years. Oud means wood in Arabic and can refer to Agarwood. This course is specifically dedicated to Agarwood and provides very deep insights in the stunning historical facts. Agarwood is probably a material used for scent making which has the oldest proof, going back to the mighty ancient Indian empire. Different Agarwoods from continents across the Asian territory, harvesting methods and traditional techniques to  make attar and hydrosols are explained and demonstrated in the practice.


Course contains:

  • Historical facts
  • A guidance through different types of Agarwood
  • Attars, Hydrosols and processing techniques
  • Discover wood type scents, Attars and Perfumes
  • Agarwood blends and its misperception
  • Handout materials and additional tools are provided
  • A break in between – access to variety of coffee, juices, wines and more


This course is a vertical deep-dive practice for the curious ones and is suitable for individuals as well as friends. It is suitable for educative purposes to gain deeper knowledge. The course is perfect for perfume specialists, perfume shop owners and professionals in the perfume and scent industry. After the course there is a great opportunity to discuss amongst a cup of coffee or a glass of wine that are served at our mini bar café.

Incense, Scent & Bakhoor burning

Probably the first form of scenting and perfuming. Scent burning, or offering is written in the oldest spiritual books, from the Sanskrit of India till Quran and the Chumash. In present times these traditional techniques are still used and cultivated into private areas and new techniques are developed. The course is in our opinion the most uplifting and a true time travel through ancient rituals and cultures and many impressive ways how to scent.

A scent offering is traditionally a burning procedure, and they go hand in hand with rituals. Most common forms today are incense sticks, aroma lamps and diffusers. Various oils are used for these methods however, incense sticks traditionally made with wood dust and dried spices. In this course one will go further in discovering burning traditional raw materials and how their scents appear. Also burning formulated components are parts of the class. This is one of the most adventurous courses.


Course contains:

  • Historical facts
  • A guidance through burning techniques
  • Discover new ways of scenting
  • Learning and discover wood and spice types
  • Handout materials and additional tools are provided
  • A break in between – access to variety of coffee, juices, wines and more


This is the most practical course suitable for the ones that are curious and have an deep interest in traditional scenting and offering. This course is practical for the ones working in situation where scenting areas are part of the daily tasks. It is also a great opportunity to learn something new for the curious ones. After the course there is a great opportunity to discuss amongst a cup of coffee or glass of wine that are served at our mini bar café.

Aroma, Ambiance & Therapy

For each of us, scents bring up different feelings, emotions, memories and have an indirect or direct influence on oneself. Aroma therapy is commonly used in different ways for a variety of purposes. Healing and relaxing is one reason but also they are used for ritual and spiritual purposes, aroma is everywhere. Retail brands are seeking unique scents to create ambiance in the store and comfort customers into buying. Hoteliers are developing their own scent for a full ambiance experience. From  the lobby until rooms, scent is everywhere.

The general aroma therapy approach is mainly using essential oils. Essential oils are commonly used in various applying and scenting ways. There are also alternative and different aroma therapy approaches. Using perfume compounds and different scents for a new therapy experience. Fruit scents, Wood notes, Cocktail formulations are new and inspiring aromas that are not only uplifting but improve your personal ambiance. This class is a true discovery on aromas that are alternatives to aroma therapy solutions.


Course contains:

  • Essential oil vs. perfume and scent
  • A guidance through applying aroma
  • Discover new ways of aroma therapy
  • Discover different techniques
  • Handout materials and additional tools are provided
  • A break in between – access to variety of coffee, juices, wines and more


This course is perfect for curious individuals, or friends to attend together. The course is perfect for perfume specialists, hoteliers, coffee shop owners and retail shop owners. It is also suitable for celebrative occasions and groups. After the course there is a great opportunity to discuss amongst a cup of coffee or a glass of wine that are served at our mini bar café.

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